Monday, June 23, 2014

Barefoot Bride...

Once again, dear friends, I am posting another outfit. It's quite unusual for me to share outfit posts so often. There is a post on contentment in the works, and I pray you will join me when I share in the lessons GOD has been showing me in that area. Any who...
It's been a pretty busy day here for me. I have made Monday my official "deep clean" day. That means dusting, vacuuming, mopping, clothes washing, you name it, I do it. It makes keeping the house organized through the week A LOT easier.
I also made up a batch of laundry detergent, vacuumed my Jeep (there was an inch of sand, okay maybe not that much, from last weeks beach trip), lifted weights, and got in a 45 minute walk/run.
After starting at 8 am, with temps in the upper 80's all day, by 4 pm, I felt pretty gross, and it was time for a shower! Typically at the end of Mondays, I like to spruce myself up for when Justin gets home.
I will go ahead and be open and honest, I don't always try to look my best for my hubby for when he gets home from work. By the end of the day, I'm usually pretty wiped out, and yeah, my appearance isn't always the greatest. But  at least 2 or 3 days a week, I try and make an effort to look nice for him when he arrives home from work. And he always appreciates it. ;)
So, without further a do, here is this evenings outfit. I call it "Barefoot bride, In Love With Her Man"...
This is most definitely my favorite tee shirt. I first saw it on Pinterest, and knew I had to get it. You can purchase them from here (
The skirt is thrifted...


 This has been one of my favorite ways of wearing my hair during the summer...

All I did was pin some of my bangs back, and wrap a bandana around my head and tie it where the pins are...

"Let every true wife daily brace more and more tightly round her husband's heart, the armor of the old principles which made our fathers invincible in their long battle against error and wrong. The honor of manhood will not fail among us, so long as every wife and mother aims at being the truest helpmeet."
~From the book "Daughters of Destiny", compiled and edited by Noelle Wheeler~
How has your Monday been?
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!
This post has been linked to "The Modest Mom Blog", and her "Modest Monday" series...
and "Raising Homemakers" and their "Homemaking Wednesday" series...


  1. Oh Angel, you look so young and blooming in these pictures! I do hope you're feeling better after a few weeks of rest and recuperation ... I've been praying for you and Justin, and I will keep on doing so! :-)

    Blessings and hugs to you!!
    ~ Vicki

  2. Pretty cute!! I really love the bandana in your hair and the t-shirt is really fun! But I definitely know what you mean about not feeling too cute by the end of a long summer day--high heat is maybe not ideal for looking fancy! haha...

  3. are u always barefoot and do u sit crosslegged as well does ya girls go barefoot too


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)