Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Rainbow After A Storm

For those of you that may be new this blog, two years ago this past June, after "trying" for over a year to become pregnant, I walked into a doctors office for a routine exam, and came out after being told I may have cancer.

Two weeks after that appointment, I had an operation done that confirmed I did have ovarian cancer, and one of my ovaries was removed, and 3 cycles of high dose BEP chemo was started immediately.

Praise the LORD, the cancer was found very early, and removed during the surgery. Chemo was administered to ensure the cells would not regrow back, as they tend to do in the type of cancer (grade 3 immature teratoma) I had.

And I am now cancer free.

To be told you have cancer is devastating. It is made out to be the worst thing that can happen to you in this society. Although I could think of much worse things to go through... ;)

But the most devastating thing for me was hearing how my chance of becoming a mommy was lessened.

I wanted for so long to become a mommy. It was something I prayed for daily.

And here I was being told I might not ever get that chance.


Our GOD is greater. And HE had a much bigger plan.

Because statistics do not affect HIM in HIS work.
Seven months after the completion of my chemotherapy, I felt GOD's leading to take a pregnancy test.

And it was only by HIS leading that I did that day. I had given up ever taking one again for fear of disappointment.

And I will never forget that moment in time. Where two little pink lines showed up. On not one. Not two. But three tests.

I couldn't be too careful, could I? :D

Our GOD is great, and ever to be praised!

HE answered my prayer, in HIS perfect timing.

HE brought a rainbow after a VERY LONG, DIFFICULT storm.

And although this rainbow is a challenge to see some days...

 It is always there reminding me of the LORD's mercy and grace, and HIS great power.

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. "
1 Peter 5:10

What rainbow after a storm has the LORD brought you? What has that rainbow taught you about the LORD?

Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Angel...
    It is always such a blessing to visit with are truly an inspiration! You have endured so much and have praised the Lord throughout... All the glory to His mighty Name!
    Flynn is such a darling baby boy...I am so thankful that the Lord brought healing to your body and allowed you to give to a healthy little boy who surely is your rainbow after the storm! You are a precious testimony to God's grace... With ever so much love to you!

    1. Oh! I am so thankful and glad you came by for a visit Kelly Anne! And for your sweet spirit and words. Praying that you are doing well! :D


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)