Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A Quick Way to Blend Creativity Into Your Walk With GOD

Two things that I have struggled with doing since becoming a mom is regular devotions and being creative.
I keep making excuse after excuse for not doing devotions. Mainly how I do not have an overabundance of mental energy with a new baby.
And as for not doing anything very creative, it can be pretty hard to find time for anything past keeping me, my husband, and the tiny human alive. ;)
Which is not a good thing. I NEED my time in the Word to stay focused on my LORD. And I NEED time to do something creative to keep my sanity in check.
Or at least somewhat in check... :D
I recently came up with a quick idea to help with both needs. Journaling one verse a day.

I am making it my goal to try and write down one verse of scripture in a journal daily. Or as often as my terrible mom brain allows me to remember...
Following my morning workout, I lay Flynn down for his morning nap, wait until he is actually asleep and done protesting very loudly,and grab my journal, pens, phone, and Bible. I then find a comfy corner, usually the couch or on the floor by the front door, and settle in for a wee bit.
I have the "Bible by Tecarta" app on my phone. And everyday it has a new verse to read. I open the app on my phone, get the verse reference and then find it in my paper Bible.

I read the verse, and often times the entire chapter of that passage. Then I choose what color pens I want to use that day, and write down the featured verse, and doodle a little bit on the page.

And then I am done. Simple, easy peasy way to get in a wee bit of creativity, and much needed time with my LORD. :)
What are some simple quick ways you find to spend with the LORD? How about a creative outlet? Do you a favorite go to for that?
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Regular devotions are definately much harder when you're a mum. I also found it hard to read a lot of the Bible just after I had a baby. for some reason it was difficult to concentrate and focus. I found it easier to read The Daily Light or devotionals. So before my last baby was born 2 yrs ago, I did a similar thing to you beforehand. I brought a small but thick notebook and started to write verses in there (often a single verse in big letters on one page), especially verses that would be encouraging (since our baby had health problems and I knew we might be in hospital for a while). I decorated them and also wrote in some encouraging hymns, poems and quotes. When she was born she was in the intensive care for 8 weeks and it was 10 weeks before we could take her home. That little book was such a comfort! I kept adding to it, and enjoyed decorating it in all those hospital days. Her first year she was in and out of hospital and the book is quite full now. I still find it so helpful when times are difficult or when I need some encouragement!

    1. So I am not the only one?! I have also found it incredibly difficult to focus and concentrate on much. That is another reason I have loved this idea. It does not require much mental energy. And I love your idea adding in hymns and such. I will be adding those into my time as well. :)

  2. What a great idea! Ever since I became a mom, a year and a half ago, it is difficult to spend time with God. I am going to try this.

    1. Oh I am so glad this was found helpful to another busy mama! It is so hard to make time with our LORD. But oh so worth it, even in a simple quick moment like this. :)


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)