Friday, October 9, 2015

On Having No Hair, And True Beauty

Loosing my hair to chemo, has been no easy thing for this gal to go through.
I remember the night Justin shaved my head, after it began to fall out. After days of it getting EVERYWHERE, we knew it had to come off. At that point, it was in our food, and he could not even give me kiss, without ending up with a mouthful.
I am not going to lie. I was sort of in a state of shock those first few days following the shave. I would go completely out of my way to avoid a mirror...
But as the days passed, I got over that shock, and even began to appreciate my new doo. I mean, I can be ready to go anywhere in 20 minutes. As opposed to how it took me 45 minutes before, with blow drying, and washing, and conditioning my locks.
I have even had the mindset, that GOD might have made it to where chemo patients lose their hair, so it's one less thing to have to worry and fuss with, while feeling AWFUL.
Now don't think I am perfect, and LOVE having no hair. Yes, I appreciate the ease of care. But, I really miss my hair. You don't really know how much you appreciate something, until it's gone.
With hair, your head does not go through major temperature shifts all day. It stays pretty even. Not freezing one second, and the moment you cover it feels like it's on fire... 
And you don't get stared at either. I avoid Wal-Mart like the plague because of how many times I have looked over to see someone flat out standing in the aisle, staring at me. I want to say hello, there are a lot more stare worthy sites in Wally World, than a chemo patient with a head covering...

Loosing your hair in chemo, is no easy thing for a lady to go through. And our culture makes it even more difficult, in the way that it upholds physical attributes, like hair, in what makes a woman beautiful.

 Loosing my hair, has made me take a step back. I have been reminded that it is the love of Christ shining through, and the striving to have a meek and quiet spirit, that makes a woman truly beautiful.
And that is the true beauty, I should be striving for.

Is there a difficulty in life, where GOD has gently had to remind you of known truth?
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Oh, Angel, your heart is so beautiful. I've often wondered how losing your hair want and I really admire and appreciate your willingness to be so open. <3

    I get some curious stares from folk who haven't seen a headcovering before so I imagine you get them as well. But you look *so* stinkin' cute wearing it! You definitely inspire my style.

    Just today I was reminded about having genuine compassion. I was subbing for a great class and one of our students has a slight walking disability. He stumbled during chapel and I was unsure how to handle the situation so I let him sit down. But our principal (a wonderful woman) came up and helped him stand and remained with him, arm in arm, which helped him participate with the singing and not have to sit. The Lord used that quick moment to strike my heart for not genuinely caring and for learning to be more compassionate.

    Also, I've had a very bad batch of eczyma on both hands. In the last two weeks it has gotten to the point where I have had open cuts, red, blotches and, in general, very ugly appendages. I'm learning to be more open (as I've had a few students ask about it) and also I've learned how easy it is for hurt hands to keep working. It seems like any bit of our body can always keep going even when they're injured. This helps me to know that other's with injuries can still be serving hard and that mabe they need my time and care to relieve them till they are better.

    Just a few of my (long) thoughts!

    With much love to you!


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)