Tuesday, July 15, 2014

'Round Here...

Well hello my dear friends! I pray that you are all having a wonderfully blessed day in our LORD! It's a rather sticky day here. The temps are in the mid nineties, and there is a 50% chance of showers for the forecast. Ahhh.... Sweet summer time. :D
How has life been for you this summer? Around here it has been BUSY, but great! Let me show you...
We headed to a local city on the Fourth of July, to see a firework show...
And we were treated to a beautiful sunset...

I was able to spend an evening with my family at the beach...

It reminded me of all the times spent there on outings as a child. Boy do I miss those days sometimes...

Our church holds a special luncheon for the senior citizens of the community every summer. I was asked to decorate for the event this year. I decided to go with a fishing theme... 


A new addition has been added to the Bishop house. One that showed up in our yard about 3 weeks ago...

We have named her "Elsa"... :)

Justin and I decided to go looking for wild blackberries on some back country trails one day...


We were only able to find a handful...

But we did find some mud to sink the tires into...

Country entertainment at it's finest...

Justin bough me a new camera for an early birthday gift. It's a Nikon D5300. It's my first DSLR, and I am LOVING the learning experience that comes with it...

I've been able to spend time at my parents house during the day. And have been able to find plenty of willing subjects to pose...

My chickens are doing great. There is just one issue: 5 roosters and 2 hens. Yeah, we might be enjoying some fresh roasted chicken soon... ;)

Oh yeah! My mom brought me some fresh peaches straight from Georgia. I hope to freeze them for cobblers, or perhaps jam later on...

Thank-you LORD for all your blessings on me.
And thank-you for the prayers and concern regarding my health. I have been feeling much better. I haven't gotten as much rest as I hoped for. But I have been able to take things at my own pace. And I haven't had a cold since school let out. :D
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment :

  1. Angel, I feel like it's been ages since I commented to you! I don't think it has, but it certainly feels like it ... thank you so much for popping in to my blog periodically and leaving such sweet and encouraging comments. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate them, and you!!

    I just love the photos you took with your new camera! You have a great eye, and the quality of the photos is spectacular. I especially like the pictures of your chickens - you really picked up the beautiful golden tones of late afternoon/evening. I can't wait to see more of your photography as you keep exploring your new camera!! :-D

    I hope you're doing well, my friend! I'm praying for you!



Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)