Sunday, November 27, 2016

Pregnancy Update: Week 30

“All the time we wondered and wondered, who is this person coming, growing, turning, floating, swimming deep, deep inside?”
– Crescent Dragonwagon
How far along?
30 Weeks
Baby is now:
  Tipping the scales at around 3 pounds and stretching in at about 16.5 inches long,
Total weight gain:
20 pounds as of this past Monday. But it feels like SOOOOOO... much more... ;D
Still waking up early and not going back to sleep, and of course frequent bathroom visits. Naps are this mama to be, best friend right now. :D
 Lots of walking and yoga. Still one day of light upper body weight lifting a week. And if I have energy to spare, I have thrown in a few prenatal cardio workouts.
Great of late! Still some random emotional, teary eyed moments. Like Christmas commercials. Especially that Apple one with Frankenstein... :D
 Most food I enjoy. But there have been moments lately where I am REALLY hungry, and REALLY want to eat, but can not for the life of me figure out what on earth to eat. :)
  Back pain is my biggest complaint right now. It has caused me to have slow down a lot through the day, and to take frequent breaks. My little guy is hanging out low, which is causing those lower back muscles to work pretty hard right now. And really dry, itchy skin. Seriously, my skin has NEVER been this dry before.
Running, heavy weight lifting, coffee whenever I want, and sleeping on my stomach. Oh how I would LOVE to just sprawl out on my belly... :D
He is one active little boy! And on a pretty consistent schedule. With mornings and late evenings being his very active time. Definitely NOT taking after his mommy in the morning activity. :D
 Maternity Clothes:
 All maternity jeans, and I finally broke down and bought a few maternity shirts as well. Not sure why I waited so long to buy the shirts. I am pretty sure I heard angels singing while trying them on and them fitting so well. :)
 Worst Moment of the week:
Just dealing with a cold that lasted for over a week. Aside from a cough at night, that is nearly gone.
Best Moment of the week:
Finishing up our Bradley classes, and Thanksgiving with Justin's family and my sister. I hosted it, and really enjoyed putting it all together. :) 
Looking Forward to:
The baby shower coming up very soon!
How has your week been? Any special moments to share?
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh Angel, I just love reading your updates! You are glowing! And absolutely adorable to! Pregnancy looks great on you. 💙 Your hairstyle just keeps getting cuter and cuter! You look so happy!!!
    How exciting that you are now in the 10 week count down.
    Where has the time gone?!
    Your Thanksgiving place settings look so lovely. Was glad to hear you hosted and that your sister joined you.
    This was my first year hosting as well.
    Please let us know where you are registered, as we would love to give you something that you really want and participate in the shower even though we are several miles apart.
    Many special things have happened this month, one being my sister and brother in law coming for Thanksgiving. I hadn't seen her in nearly two years! It made me all the more thankful on Thanksgiving.
    Also after several years, we have found a home church. It is truly an answer to prayer.
    The Lord has certainly been moving in our lives. :)
    It's been a good, busy month for us.
    Looking forward to so many great things!
    Thanks for sharing an update once again, always makes me so happy to read them!
    Have a wonderful week my dear friend.
    Love, Jordan

  2. You are looking so happy and fit!! Loving that growing baby bump and the updates. Enjoy your baby shower! That is SUCH a fun right of passage! :D

  3. Oh Angel! Is it truly week 30 already? I am just so delighted for you ans your husband... Oh, soon you will be looking into the eyes of your precious babe...what an amazing thing that will be! I tear up just thinking about it and praise the precious Lord for being so good and gracious to bless you with this little one after waiting a long time with many bumps in the road! All the glory to His wonderful name! You are looking fabulous, Angel...such a beautiful baby bump! Aww! {{Smiles}} How I would love to be at your baby shower and spoil you and your sweet coming baby boy! Yes, I adore baby showers and all things is an obsession! {{smiles}} Thank you for sharing these updates with us, it is a joy to see you bloom in your pregnancy! Looking forward to that arrival announcement! {{big smiles}}
    Blessings and love to you!

  4. You must be getting close to the end now! Getting excited?!!?!


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)