Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pregnancy Update: Week 26

“A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.”
– Author Unknown
How far along? 
26 Weeks
Baby is now the size of a:
  14 inches from crown to foot, he's just about as tall as a pineapple (including the leaves at the top).
Total weight gain:
15 pounds as of this past Monday. Even though that seems like A LOT to me, I am told that is the perfect amount of weight gain for this point in pregnancy. It is not easy, but I accept it. :)
I am still struggling with waking up very early, and not going back to sleep. And bathroom visits have become more frequent. My child has decided my bladder area is his favorite place to hang out of late...
 I have had to listen more to my body these past few weeks, and to be okay with rest days, and to go slower. Back and hip pain have caused me to cut back on my weight lifting to just once weekly. Walking still feels good at 4 days a week. And yoga is the best right now as often as possible. :D
Fairly steady. Some weepiness at weird, random times. But overall happy and content.
 I am pretty much enjoying all food these days, with anything pumpkin being the favorite. :D
  Tired, achy back, sore hips, and pregnancy brain. Seriously, that latter one hitting very hard this past week. I am putting things in weird places (ie coconut oil and the coffee pot with hot coffee in fridge, toothpaste in the tooth brush holder...), and struggling a bit with organization of my thoughts.
Running, heavy weight lifting and coffee whenever I want...
He is one active little boy! I can feel his little hiccups, and when he is startled by a loud noise. :D
Maternity Clothes:
 All maternity jeans, and some of my shirts I thought would last, are starting to get shorter. So I have been on the lookout for some nice cheap tunics of late.  
 Worst Moment of the week:
The weepiness at random times, and the scatter brainess. That has become very frustrating. 
Best Moment of the week:
Getting ready for the baby shower in December, and setting up the registry and looking at carseats with my hubby. It just makes it seem all the more real!

Looking Forward to:
Supper made by my mom. I am HUNGRY! :D
Are you expecting a wee one? How is your pregnancy going? Even if you are not expecting, what are you looking forward to this week?
Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Angel, you're looking so gorgeous! Pregnancy just looks SO good on you, if I may say so! Ah, how excited you must be, my friend...rejoicing with you for this precious gift from above! Can't wait to ''meet'' your darling baby boy! You were actually in my thoughts last night, so I was delighted to discover an update from you! Praying for you... Lots of love, Kelly-Anne

  2. Great update! You look fantastic! I can't believe how quickly it is flying by! I think my first pregnancy felt like it took forever, but my second one has flown by because I've been so busy taking care of my toddler. Hope you continue feeling great! Also, if you haven't looked, zulily is a great place to get maternity clothes for a great price

  3. Ahh, I didn't know you were having a boy! Congratulations! Boys are a lot of fun. :)


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)