Monday, September 18, 2017

How To Encourage New Parents

My husband and I were at church recently. I was sitting in our usual spot, with Flynn in my lap and Justin standing right behind the pew. We were just talking a little bit before Justin needed to get his saxophone out to play for the song service. Another member walked over to where we were and said, "Let me look at this wide eyed guy", referring to Flynn, and then said to Justin, in a joking manner "I am not going to talk to you, you don't matter anymore, its all about the baby".

It was a harmless joke really. But, I got to thinking about it.

That "joke" is kind of true.

People no longer ask how we (my husband and I) are doing, or even say hello to us at times. I mean, I genuinely cannot remember the last time some one said hello to me, or asked about how Justin and I are doing first. Flynn is always talked to first. They always say hello, and ask him how he is doing.

Never mind the fact he is 7 months old and cannot utter a word. And I am the one standing there holding him...

And it is not just us. I have noticed it with other new parents in my circle. And society as a whole.

New dads and moms don't really get any attention or interaction. Or maybe not as much as before they became parents.

And I cannot blame people for being eager to interact with a new baby, or young children. I mean, they are precious, adorable, and so sweetly innocent. Just BEGGING to be oooed... and ahhhed... over.

Especially mine. I am pretty sure he is the cutest baby ever created... ;)

But, babies, while precious and adorable require A LOT of work and even more sacrifice. And guess who is doing all that work and sacrifice?

Daddy and mommy.

Babies and children the majority of the time are well taken care of. Even when their health is compromised, they have the best of care coming from daddy and mommy.

In the form of not sleeping to feed and change said baby. Walking them hours on end to help the colicky one sleep. Comforting them when they feel bad or scared. Going through the constant mental toll of realizing you have been put in charge of a human soul, straight from the LORD Himself.

Kind of a scary fact to think about at times...

If any body needs to be asked how they are doing, or ooohed and ahhhed over. Its parents all over this world.

This job ain't easy. Yes, it is soooo... blessed. But with great blessing comes an even greater responsibility.

A responsibility that require enormous sacrifice and dying to one self EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY. (a responsibility I prayed for and am so beyond blessed and thankful to have)

If there is one piece of advice I could give to anyone (talking to myself here too...) on how to encourage new parents, it would be to genuinely ask how THEY are doing BEFORE the baby.

Maybe even offer a wee bit of praise or a tiny word of encouragement for only sleeping 4 hours last night.

But then don't be surprised if they fall over dead with shock, or stammer or blankly stare at you in their sleep deprived, mentally drained state. :D 

 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13
 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing
1 Thessalonians 5:11
As a new parent, what has someone done to encourage you? Or even if you are not a parent, what has been the best form of simple encouragement to come on some of your hardest days?

Have a wonderfully blessed day everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Mrs. Bishop. I didn't actually realize how often that is true. You've made me time I will talk to the mother/parents. Good advice!


    1. You are welcome Ashley! I did not notice it until it happened to us. Its such a simple thing, but so encouraging. :)

  2. Our church also does meals for new parents. Like you said, I thought it was a nice gesture, until we were on the receiving end. What a HUGE blessing it is! :)


Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to hear from you all out there. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. In the words of that wise papa rabbit, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". :)